Members A-D

A woman with long hair and a smile.

Sarah Elizabeth Brown

Organ Donor

Age: 16
Location: Pensacola, FL
Hospital: Sacred Heart Hospital

2/3/91 – 2/17/07 My precious daughter, Sarah, rode in a car with a distracted, careless driver. That became her exit from this life. She had just turned 16 and was so excited to be on her way to adulthood. She had decided on Flagler College in St. Augustine and was considering a career in research psychology. Sarah dreamed of the excitement and opportunities that come with living in a big city one day. We all…

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A young man in a tuxedo and bow tie.

Dean Brown

Organ Donor

Age: 21
Date of Donation: 05/27/2008

Sometime after Dean died, I found a folder on his computer entitled: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND NEVER QUIT! The folder contained 3 Word doc files created one year and one month before he succumbed to a drug overdose. After reading the Word docs I realized Dean was a very organized and well thought out individual in spite of the conflicted life he led. The one Word doc was a simple list of bullet points he…

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A young boy wearing a baseball uniform and hat.

Hunter Mason Browning

Organ Donor

Age: 8
Location: Scurry, TX
Date of Donation: 07/18/2007
Hospital: Children's Medical Center

Hunter Browning was 8 when an ATV accident took his life. Big brother, Austin, age 12, knew that help was urgent. He ran quickly over a mile to get his mom, and together they arranged the necessary emergency assistance. Hunter’s life was not saved by those heroic actions, yet, ironically, their very effort has saved the lives of four strangers. Austin’s quick thinking and immediate decision-making belied his youth. His was the reaction of a…

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A woman with long blonde hair wearing a necklace.

Julia Bruno

Organ Donor

Age: 17

Julia was 17 years old when her life was taken too soon by a drunk driver. She was a registered donor with the DMV. She saved 5 lives. She was in her senior year of high school. Julia was 8 days shy of her 18th birthday. Julia was a beautiful kindhearted person. Her smile lit up the room. She was a honor student and she played soccer. She worked with preschool children at the YMCA…

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A man sitting in a chair wearing a hat.

Jonathan Scott Burgess

Organ Donor

Age: 17
Location: Menard, TX
Date of Donation: 01/23/2012
Hospital: University Transplant Center

I am Jonathan Scott Burgess’s mother. On January 4th, 2012, I was told that I needed to have my gall bladder removed. My 17 year old son Jonathan seemed a little worried. I talked to him about what a simple procedure it was going to be and that it was just like when I had my appendix taken out and like when I had some female procedures done. It would just be a simple day…

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A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes smiling.

Brittany Nicole Cail

Organ Donor

Age: 19
Location: Carson, CA
Date of Donation: 04/09/2009
Hospital: Slidell Memorial Hospital

Brittany Nicole Cail graduated from Torrance High School in Southern California, June of 2007. That summer she decided to go to New Orleans to visit her grandparents. She ended up loving it there and decided to call it home. She obtained a job in food service at the local hospital, Slidell Memorial, and loved it. January of 2008 her mom, Raquel, went for a visit and Brittany was very proud of the fact that she…

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A man in a cowboy hat and striped shirt.

Adrian Louis Camarillo

Organ Donor

Age: 18
Location: Devine, TX
Date of Donation: 09/25/1994

Let me tell you about Adrian Camarillo, a young man who was eager to share his life as he kicked from within his mothers belly as if to say, “I want to get out there and start making my presence known!” Since grade school, Adrian kept his teachers hopping. One day, a wonderful teacher told Adrian’s mother, “Adrian uses his right side of his brain, they are highly skilled, talented, creative students.” In Junior High,…

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A man in red shirt and black shorts playing baseball.

Joseph Franklin Campbell

Organ Donor

Age: 43
Location: Houston, TX
Date of Donation: 05/11/2004
Hospital: Memorial Hermann Hospital

There is so much to say about my brother, I don’t even know where to start. He was a great brother, son, uncle & father, best friend, tall at 6’3”, a huge heart, good looking & had great legs. He was caring, loving, emotional, passionate, funny, liked good jokes, played all sports in school. He was really good at all of them. Football, baseball and basketball. His team mates always counted on him. His favorite…

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A young boy standing next to a tree.

Omar Sebastian Cardenas

Organ Donor

Age: 9
Location: Laredo, TX
Date of Donation: 03/19/2012
Hospital: University Hospital

Omar was born December 13th 2002. We were a young couple in love and his birth strengthened our bond. We knew he would be brilliant as he began reaching each milestone with ease. He wanted to be an astronaut and float in the sky. We knew it was possible, but never thought it would be so soon that he would be just like an astronaut; an Angel in the sky and so far away from…

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A man with a beard and orange shirt

Ezekiel James Carlyle

Organ Donor

Age: 25
Location: Victoria, TX
Date of Donation: 02/02/2013
Hospital: Methodist Hospital

Ezekiel J. Carlyle, 25, of Victoria, Texas, formerly of Port Lavaca, Texas passed away Saturday, February 2, 2013. Ezekiel was born February 15, 1987 to Tyrone and Linda Carlyle of Port Lavaca. Ezekiel was a 2005 graduate of Calhoun High School. He attended Austin Community College, Victoria College and graduated from Victoria Beauty College. At Victoria College, he took Millwright classes to further his career. “Zeke” worked very diligently as a millwright at Infinity at…

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