Honoring Our Hero

Stefano Steenbakkers

Organ Donor

Age: 17
Location: Puerto Rico
Date of Donation: 06/28/2012
Hospital: New York Columbia Presbyterian

Stefano Steenbakkers

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Stefano was 17 years old. He was a young man, just starting out in life. His dream was to travel the world and help people. When he turned 16 and applied for his driver’s license, Stefano decided to become a registered organ donor. His mother had no idea, until that fatal day, and she honored his wishes.

Stefano was your average teenager, played sports, had lots of friends and participated in events like 5K’s. One day I was craving KitKat candy (I never liked them.) I was buying them by the bags, and come to find out Stephano loved them. I later learned its cellular memories.  Every year on his birthday, I post KitKats in honor of my donor. Stefano saved my life. I live and breathe through him. He gave my children their mother back. Stephano is truly my Hero!

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