Nikolas Alexander Jaime

Nikolas Alexander Jaime

My son, Nikolas Alexander Jaime was 12 yrs old when he was hit by a car. It was an accident, he ran out in front of a car that he didn’t see coming. He was hit on Jan 1, he was pronounced dead on Jan 3 and we buried him on Jan 9, his 13th birthday.
Nikolas was such an outgoing kid, he loved meeting people and he had many friends; more than I ever knew (which we found out when he passed away.) He loved sports, football was his passion and he was so good. We loved watching him play; it always made me more proud of him.
Nikolas was the baby of our family. He has a 23yr old brother and a 20 yr old brother and as of 2011, Jan 7, Nikolas has twin nieces and one twin looks exactly like him and another niece born Sept 5, 2011. I guess Nikolas left us but didn’t want to leave us empty so he gifted us with beautiful baby girls.
I pray no one ever has to go through the trauma of losing a child. But if this is the case, allowing your child to become a donor is as life changing as losing your child. You will know in your mind and in your heart that your child is out there giving someone else hope of life. The pain will always be there, but it has eased knowing My son gave life to someone, giving them a second chance.
Loving Mother
Diana Jaime