Honoring Our Hero

Mark Steven Bishop

Mark Steven Bishop

Organ Donor

Age: 50
Location: Cedar Park, TX
Date of Donation: 02/02/2007
Hospital: Brackenridge Hospital

Mark Steven Bishop

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Mark Bishop was a good man. He was a very intelligent, thoughtful man. We were married 13 years and knew each other 15 years. We grew a lot together, experiencing and discussing many issues. Somehow, the topic of organ donation after death never came up.

Mark loved to help people. He was a creative electrical engineer and respected coworker. He was very involved in church, he wanted to make connections with others, and never missed a chance to participate with other church members in helping maintain low income homes through Hands on Housing. When neighbors needed help, for instance in putting a play scape together, he gladly spent hours working to get the job done. He helped me in getting a college degree and encouraged me to follow my interests. He also was my partner in parenting. He was so patient and loved being a father to our two sons. We made a great family together.

When Mark died suddenly and unexpectedly from a ruptured brain aneurysm, I made the decision to donate his organs. Even though we hadn’t discussed it, I knew he would want to continue to help others after death as he did during his life. I keep in touch with his heart recipient, who is a very grateful man. He loves me and Mark’s sons with that good, healthy heart. He and six other people were given the gift of life through donation of Mark’s organs. It is good to know that Mark continues to help others through organ donation.

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