Malaikye Thomas Payne

Malaikye Thomas Payne

Malaikye was a spunky, vibrant, happy, giggly little boy. Any time throughout his life I was blessed to hold and spend time with my one and only grandson, it was priceless for me. What a feeling of being blessed beyond measures. To see him laugh and smile, moved my heart in a way that mere words could not express. To watch my son Daniel be a father, was moving.
Malaikye, was a mere 17 months old when tragedy stuck our family. He entered LAC/USC Medical Hospital and slipped into a coma after an apparent fall. For three days we anxiously awaited his recovery. That wasn’t to happen. Once he was declared brain dead, his case was then listed as a homicide. A heart wrenching reality for our family to know someone was responsible for his death. In the darkest hour of Daniel’s grief, he made the decision to help others and donate his son’s organs. Malaikye was to go on to be a Hero to four families. He gave his ultimate gifts to a 9 month old baby girl, a 2 yr. old girl, 21 yr. old young woman and a 65 yr. old woman. We have received health updates and they are all doing well, thriving in their renewed lives. Despite the tragedy of losing our precious Malaikye, we take comfort in knowing that he was able to help many continue life after his death.
Currently, we are awaiting trial and are in the process of fighting for justice on Malaikye’s behalf. Though this tragic death, it is my desire to continue to share his story. He may only have been 17 months of age, but his story is powerful and needs to be told. You see, his story is a story of Hope After Tragedy. It is that Hope that allows me to get out of bed daily and live my life to honor his. It’s so important for me to share him with the world and put yet another precious face to the beauty of organ donation.
Malaikye’s story continues to touch the lives of people. It brings a reminder to hold your children tight and not take a single moment for granted. We are never promised tomorrow. Our faith remains unshaken because we know that it is only by the Love, Grace, and Mercy of a Powerful God that we are able to see the light of another day despite the darkness of our grief.
It’s my heart’s prayer that no family would have to endure the loss of a child much less by murder. It is a feeling unexplainable and unfathomable. We will continue our fight for justice as long as it may take. One day I will hold my precious grandson. God’s word promises me of that. Until that day, Malaikye; enjoy playing in the Gardens of Heaven. We love and miss you so very much. Your story will be told.
Forever Your Nana, Rachel