Jonathan Scott Burgess
Jonathan Scott Burgess
I am Jonathan Scott Burgess’s mother. On January 4th, 2012, I was told that I needed to have my gall bladder removed. My 17 year old son Jonathan seemed a little worried. I talked to him about what a simple procedure it was going to be and that it was just like when I had my appendix taken out and like when I had some female procedures done. It would just be a simple day surgery and I would be home the same day. Being the character he was he said to me,”Gee mom, its okay, when you get to Heaven, God gives us all new organs. He will have a whole box of organs and parts waiting for you.” And he had that big beautiful smile.
On January 20th, 2012, Jonathan went varmint hunting with his friends. That night, he was accidentally shot in the back of the head. On January 22nd he went to be with Jesus. When they asked my husband and I about donating his organs, I immediately thought about the conversation Jonathan and I had had a few weeks before. We did not hesitate to give. Jonathan was one of the most loving, caring sons a mother could ever ask for. He had so many friends and he made them all feel like they were his best friends. Jonathan was an all around teenager; he participated in football, basketball, track, golf, and his favorite, baseball. He was also was in band, one act plays, and coached his younger brothers YMCA football team. His summer job was being a life guard for our public pool. He played drums for our worship at Menard Cowboy Church. He is a young man with many talents.
I could go on and on about how wonderful and outstanding my son was.
On the day of his service, I received a letter and a flag from Governor Rick Perry. The flag had been flown at the state capitol, half mast in his honor. I also received a Resolution letter from Harvey Hilderbran, State Representative, of District 53.
Jonathan touched and impacted many lives and he continues to live in all who received a part of him. We miss him very much, but our faith in God holds us together and we know, one day we will be together again.