Hayden Louis O’Brien

Hayden Louis O’Brien

Hayden O’Brien’s 17½ short years on this earth pale in comparison to the almost 5 years that he’s passed this earthly life on to his real home – that of being joined forever with his Holy Father, all the angels and saints, and the Blessed Mother.
During his time on earth, he spent many hours enjoying the carefree nature of his life. Homeschooling afforded him extra time to spend on the things that really mattered to him. He enjoyed the country life – with Boy Scouting being one of his main loves. He started as a Bear in grade 3 and then continued on in Scouting until he reached the rank of Eagle Scout at the age of 16. All of his best friends were met in scouting. Great adults came into his life (and our life also) through the contacts with the Boy Scouts. He would never pass up a chance to go camping or to do any of the other activities offered through the Boy Scout, Venturing Scouts or Order of the Arrow units.
The other guiding force in his life was his Catholic faith. He was a faithful altar server, one of the best, and the one who could always be counted on. At his funeral, the Deacon said of him, “Whenever I saw Hayden standing in the back, waiting for the start of Mass, I was glad because he knew more than I did!” He received the Sacrament of Eucharist at least twice a week, and went to the Sacrament of Reconciliation very often – as our priest said, “Not because he had to!!” What joy it is to see one’s child grow up in the faith of Jesus Christ, belong to the Holy Mother Church, and have a moral compass of right and wrong.
In Hayden’s death, God has poured out so many graces, it’s hard to keep track of them. So many kind words were spoken of him at the funeral attended by over 500 people – this for an “isolated, unsocialized” homeschool youth!! First and foremost, his organs were able to be donated – his heart to a 65 year old woman in Houston; one kidney to a mother of a young girl in Missouri; his liver to a 9-year old girl in east Texas; we have been in contact with these recipients. What joy they bring to know Hayden’s organs are continuing their life!
Not only is Hayden continuing people’s earthly existence through his organ donation, he is doing some divinely help as well – through his intersession, several people have come to a great love and service of Our Lord by Hayden’s life example. Several people other than organ recipients even owe their existence to his death – two of his friends who didn’t know each other met at his funeral, eventually married, and are expecting their 2nd child.
We continue to be amazed by the graces that are being poured out onto us through his death. As the organ recipients surely feel blessed, we, Hayden’s family, feel equally blessed, or possibly more so. May he rest in peace and continue to do good.