George Dennis Vargas
George Dennis Vargas
George was the 3rd of the eldest, of the seven children born to Mr. Joe J. & Mrs. Stella Vargas.
Growing up, George loved playing baseball. He played with PAL (Police Athalete Leage.) He also loved playing the drums. He served his country with the United States Army as a mechanic. But most of all, he loved climbing the Tortugas Mountain in Las Cruces, New Mexico which is Our Family Tradition. Our family climbs and dances to Our Lady of Guadalupe, every year, on Dec. 10-12th and on the first of the New Year.
George was a simple, hard working man who worked fixing radiators. He loved talking and making friends with everyone walking down the street. We would call him the newspaper, he knew what was going on around town before we could tell him. My brother would give the shirt off his back for those who needed help.
On July 5,2009 our lives were turned upside down; who would’ve known he would be a victim of a homicide. To make matters worse, it was a day after our other brother Joe Jr’s birthday, who had passed one year earlier.
With George being the person he was, he checked the box on his drivers license to be an Organ Donor. Who would’ve known My Brother would save a life. I also was honored to meet my New Brother on April 2011, the man who received George’s heart. Very nice 6-foot 1 former athlete of his high school. He had been initial diagnosis heart gave out. Thanks to George, this beautiful man is now living with my brothers heart.
I tell everyone Our Brother, Son, Father, Friend will always be remembered. I TELL EVERYONE HE TOOK YOUR LIFE! IN RETURN YOU GAVE LIFE! YOUR HEART WILL BLOOM IN MY NEW BROTHER. I WILL FOREVER HONOR HIM. Along with his rose on the Donate Life float in the Rose Parade.