Dylan Flew
![ODHOF_Dylan Flew[1160] A man with sunglasses and bandana on.](https://organdonorhalloffame.org/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/ODHOF_Dylan-Flew1160-portrait-d760610a98c911b9d3fc2af0b31c47b5-60dcae140c65b.jpeg)
Dylan Flew

Dylan was an avid sports enthusiast who was a three-year soccer letterman and a member of two sectional championship teams. He lived his life with no regrets and a positive attitude that touched the lives of many others. He was a son, a brother, a grandson, and a friend to so many. In July 2006, Dylan and three friends were riding their motorcycles when our lives changed forever. One rider lost control and crashed into Dylan. Our son suffered a traumatic head injury and was declared brain dead nine days before what would have been his 21st birthday. Dylan chose to be an organ and tissue donor when renewing his driver’s license at age 20. Five people received organ transplants and more than 80 others have received his tissues. Soon after his death, we established two annual memorial scholarships in Dylan’s name, at his high school. Dylan is also featured in an awareness campaign promoting donation. His handsome face is on the backs of over 425 semi trailers that travel the United States and Canada, with the words “Dylan Saved 5 Lives”. Knowing that his story lives on, gives us some comfort and hope. It turned our loss into miracles for so many others, and volunteering for organ donation organizations has been the best therapy. We have turned a terrible tragedy into something positive. Loved by many, missed by more!