Denise Marie Bean

Denise Marie Bean

July 15, 2009, began a new life’s journey for me and my family. We were on our way back home from our summer vacation and Garry my husband got sick. It was three days before he allowed me to take him to the Emergency room.
Garry was then diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. For those of you who don’t know, this disease is genetic. Garry’s father Elmer was also diagnosis with this very same disease and several of his paternal aunts & uncles as well.
I remembered sitting on the phone crying to my sister questioning God “why me” why did I have to fall in love with someone with such a horrific and genetic disease. I thought of my kids and how are life’s were about to change.
I was MAD and ANGRY and I knew God had to work on me and through me. I started feeling like I was obligated since I was his wife. I was mad that he had no one else to come forward and help. It was hard for our teenage daughter to watch her father suffer. Our son was too young to know exactly how sick his father really was. He knew he was sick but didn’t know the severity of his illness.
I watch my husband go on dialysis and work a full time job at the same time. He was frail and losing weight by the day. God continued to watch over him and give him the strength to do both.
He didn’t know this, but I’d cry many of nights thinking the worst and not trusting my God up above.
I decided to get tested to see if I would be a match.
I remember one day during my three day evaluation getting poked and probed over thirty times in less than 3 hours. At first I began to get angry again but remembered the purpose behind it all.
Then a miracle happen, God’s miracle. I was evaluated and was a match to donate one of my kidneys to my husband and for my family. Then I thought what if my children are later diagnosed with the same disease who will then give them a kidney. I had my family make me a promise that if any of my children is diagnosed with this disease they would get tested and give them the gift of life. Of course, they all committed to that promise.
My worries and disbeliefs were over. My husband would receive a new kidney to survive a normal life.
Twelve months and five days after being diagnosed with kidney failure my husband Garry Bean was donated with the gift of life. God blessed us to survive the surgery and live normal lives.
Donating to someone, anyone is a reward and I’m so ever grateful to be that person.
It’s been 14 months since the transplant and Garry and I are doing wonderful. We just celebrated our 20th year wedding anniversary.
God is good.