Chad Jones

Chad Jones

Charles Preston Jones (Chad) was the life of the party, always joking around, with a big heart and pure soul. He was the first to volunteer his help, even if he did not know the person. He was well known in both the automobile and motorcycle communities and enjoyed going to weekend meets as often as possible.
Everyone knew Chad as “Chadmod,” a nickname he received for modifying everything he owned from an early age. Chad’s first skateboard had to have different wheels so his would be unique. This continued throughout his entire life, including painting the wheels on his car lime green, his favorite color. “If you see any vehicles with a “Team Chadmod” sticker and painted wheels, you will know it is a tribute to Chad Jones,” said his mother Sheree.
On June 6, 2009, Chad, 21, was in a tragic motorcycle accident. He hit a six-foot bedpost which had fallen off a truck onto the road and caused him to lose control. Even though Chad was wearing full protective gear, he had numerous injuries, including head trauma. After being in a coma for nine days and never regaining consciousness, Chad was pronounced brain dead.
But Chad did not die in vain. His parents and sister, Jessica, made the decision to donate Chad’s organs and bring the Gift of Life to others who were awaiting a second chance. Chad was able to donate his heart, liver and kidneys to four strangers, enabling them to lead happy, healthy and productive lives with their families and friends. Countless others were helped through his tissue and tendon donations.
“This is exactly what Chad would have wanted – to help others, even in his death,” noted Sheree.
In late 2009, the Jones family founded Donate 4 Life, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness of donation and encourages Texans to become registered organ donors. “Texas has one of the lowest percentages of donors per capita in the United States, and we are trying to change that,” said Michael, his father. August 17, 2010, Donate 4 Life registered the 1,000,000th organ donor in Texas.
Chad’s friends and family organized the first annual “Chadmod Donate 4 Life” benefit in his honor, bringing people together to promote organ and bone marrow donation through an auto and motorcycle show with good food, good music, a silent auction, plus other events during the year.
Sheree affirmed that “We are a family that does not want our son to be forgotten. Even though Chad died, he is a Hero and we want him to save many more lives, not just the four amazing people he donated to. His legacy will live on through them and through our wonderful memories of him. Chad is OUR hero.”