Brody Reville Fleming

Brody Reville Fleming

I have experienced a mother’s worst nightmare, a call from a nurse saying, “You need to come now.” My 24 year old son had suffered a massive stroke and was on life support in a Fort Worth hospital.
Brody Reville Fleming always marched to a different drummer. He excelled far more in athletics than academics! He always had a twinkle in his eye and a smirk of a smile that made you wonder what he was up to! He was a constant work in progress until the day he drove past TEEX in College Station and felt his calling in life was to be a fireman/EMT/paramedic. Brody wanted to join the “brotherhood,” be a member of the family of firefighters. He leaves behind a legacy of helping others and a passion for his job.
I am so proud of my son. He believed in paying it forward. While he will live on in our memory and our hearts; he gave quality of life to others through the donation of his organs and tissue. He lives!