There are hundreds of Halls of Fame
This simple idea of honoring organ donors began not long after our son died. There are hundreds of Halls of Fame. Most, but not all, are related to sports in one way or another. My husband and I were discussing this, so I researched the Organ Donor Hall of Fame. Surprisingly, there wasn’t one! How could that be? Some of the most Heroic people of all, not getting the recognition and HERO status they deserved! Every donor (both living and deceased) has an amazing story that needs to be shared.

Chad, will never have the opportunity to be inducted into a sports Hall of Fame. Oh, he was great at things and believe us, he IS a HERO! Chad donated his heart, liver and both kidneys to four special people who were living a life no one would choose…dialysis (3 times a week for years,) a pacemaker inserted to keep the heart beating at a steady rhythm, and many others who were praying for a chance at a normal life.
Chad was a loving, caring, and giving young man who chose to give the Gift of Life. Not surprisingly, these are common traits among most organ donors who put others’ needs ahead of their own, are always willing to help, and be a friend to all. We are extremely proud of him!
We feel every organ, eye and tissue donor should be inducted into the Organ Donor Hall of Fame. These amazing donors ARE the ultimate heroes. Our inducted donors presently range from 15 months to 87 years old, although there is no age limit. Please take a moment to read the stories, come back often as we continue to update our heroes, and help us by choosing to honor your loved ones today.