Edward Ernest Kohler
Edward Ernest Kohler
Eddie’s greatest asset was his laid back, charming personality. He rarely threw back his head and laughed out loud at a joke, but you could see the twinkle in his eye and the sly grin on his face. He went about his life on Earth with a determined spirit and a happy heart. He had just received his BS in chemistry in May, 2003 when a car crash took him from us. He spent three years in the Navy in the middle of his college years. He loved telling the stories of his adventures and misadventures when he was stationed off the coast of Italy!
He cherished the love of his family and his friends. He spent the last full day of his life learning to water ski with his best friend, Kris, and his family. Kris told him they weren’t leaving the lake until he got up on the skis and went at least 100 feet. He did it just before dusk. How happy and proud he was! He would call me on my way home from work and talk until I pulled into the garage 45 minutes away! A month before he died, at the approaching of his 30th birthday, he said, “Mom, I don’t want to turn 30. I’ll just be another old man looking for a young chick.” Sadly, he died three days before that birthday.
If I could put Eddie’s life into one word it would be ‘solid’. He could always be counted on to do what he said and to live his life according to his own convictions. If I needed someone to help me with something, he is the one I always called. I knew he’d be there for me no matter what. His life is a testimony to faithfulness, love, compassion, and kindness. He would be so proud to know that his organs were used to help someone see who had suffered retina damage and someone recover from brain cancer or injury
He was a blessing to all who knew him and a treasure in my life that cannot be diminished or taken away. Memories and love live on forever.